Our Telemedicine solutions include interactive audio-visual media, Remote Patient Monitoring / Homecare, Mobile health, Tele-radiology, Tele-dermatology, Tele-consultation. We also provide Tele-health stations, mobile medical cases and end point medical devices for medical data digitisation.
Our Tele-radiology division focuses on advanced medical imaging, Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), as well as Radiological Information Systems (RIS). Our solutions can be used as a standalone system within a hospital complex as well as for a multi-hospital Tele-radiological network. Our solutions adhere to the latest industry standards like DICOM3 and HL7 as well as accreditations like FDA, CE, IHE and complies with HIPPA.
Along with our partners, we provide a Radiology Information System for the total management of the Radiology department. The RIS solution is a web-based application that handles patients scheduling, admittance, billing, accounting and inventory management including the reporting integrated into our single PACS database.
Our PACS system is a vendor neutral database that can work on the Cloud, the web, on-premise as well as enterprise environments using a web based viewer developed with HTML5. It is integrated with our unique NIF compression technology to optimally transmit large images and videos over low bandwidth lines.
The PACS has a single GUI is customised to integrate other hospital departments such as dermatology, pathology, cardiology for images / reports distribution. We further enhance this to enable tele-medical applications for every speciality. The solution includes complete package for archiving, data manipulation, image diagnosis, printing, reporting, study-sharing between users inside or outside the hospital.
Homecare Solution
The Homecare solution utilises 4G/5G LTE-A or Wi-Fi connectivity. Our solution allows constant monitoring of the patient’s condition and performance of preventive and control check-ups outside medical facilities. This form of care is made possible using wearable mobile devices which measure vital signs. Results are transmitted to the Remote Medical Care Centre, where they are automatically analysed. If any abnormalities are detected, medical staff contact the patient and calls an ambulance in the event of an emergency.